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Why Making Room for Magic is Key to Living Your Most Authentic Life

energy management mindset spirituality Oct 17, 2023

Confession... I got married last week to my partner of 9 years. We had an intimate ceremony with close family under the oak trees. (Exciting, I know!)

And I definitely thought I had written and scheduled this email to go out last week... but clearly I didn't. (Forgive me?)

Yet––so much magic occurred that it can't be anything but divine timing that I forgot. After all, making room for magic is the 3rd key in reclaiming your power and crafting an authentic life you adore. 

We made lots of room for magic over the past couple weeks––both leading up to and after the wedding.

Since it was a backyard wedding, there were a lot of errands, setup, and coordination that needed to happen. And yet, we made space to lounge in the sun with our pup, laugh while listening to a YA audiobook, spend the morning at an outdoor hydrotherapy spa, and go wine tasting. 

Maybe we could have gotten it all done faster or more efficiently if we hadn't left room for those pockets of downtime and joy...but both of us were more present and more relaxed when the ceremony finally took place (more on the magic during that experience and how we recoded everything next time). 

It's why making room for magic is the 3rd key step.

Releasing the grip on what you think you need to do or hold onto allows more space for you to actually enjoy what's right in front of you. 

Many friends of ours (we've been to 37 weddings!) have shared that the day itself sped by so quickly, and they were so tired, that they couldn't be fully present for it all. 

And this applies to more than big moments like weddings. 

Imagine if you sat at a table away from your desk and savored every bite of your lunch––as opposed to wolfing down a bite in-between frenzied typing... or even forgetting to eat at all (been there!). 

And while it may seem more efficient to eat while working, what you're really communicating to your body is that it's not safe to stop working. That you don't deserve to stop working. 

Truth: we rush through things because we don't trust ourselves. 

Think about it... if you trusted that you could get something done in time, or if you trusted that you could advocate for yourself well enough to take 10 minutes to eat... you'd probably slow down and enjoy that bite. 

And as I shared in my last email, when we choose to trust ourselves, that trust grows and creates magic and magnetism. We're able to take that extra breath and show up as our full self. 

By doing so, we show the world that we believe we are worthy just as we are, and that's what creates the magic.

People start complimenting you more, opportunities pop up in your inbox, colleagues recommend you for projects, your kids/partner/family/friends feel more connected to you and you to them...and so much more. 

It's true––just ask my clients :)

Just like how the couple getting married sets the tone for the wedding, you are setting the tone for your own life and how everyone else will respond to you. 

So... what tone do you want to set? 

Stay tuned next week for the 4th key step in crafting your most authentic, dreamy, satisfying, and empowered life!

Exciting news: my new course page is live, and if I do say so myself, it's beautiful :) Check it out by clicking on the title below

Become Your Own Oracle: Master the Art of Intuitive Card Reading Without Memorizing Anything

with love,


P.S. This 6-part series supports my course on mastering the art of intuitive card reading: Become Your Own Oracle. It kicks off with a 90-minute intuitive art workshop on Sunday, November 5th that you're free to join whether or not you enroll in the course. Aka it's a great opportunity to see if you want to join both!

Explore the course >>

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