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Your “Woo” Is Welcome Here (& So Is Your Logic)

growth rituals spirituality Mar 18, 2023

In 2018, I started reading Oracle cards and leading meditations for my coworkers at a Silicon Valley tech company. Like some parking lot deal, we’d meet in empty conference rooms during lunch breaks.

My coworkers said they felt more intentional and grounded afterwards, even when they had stressful meetings or projects to work on that day. I certainly felt more focused when I resumed work, too.
BUT, even though they loved it, I started having nightmares about witch hunts (lol).

I still felt like these spiritual practices were something to hide.

So many women I work with start out afraid that their boss, partner, parent, friend, or neighbor will find out they’re more than a little bit “witchy” or “woo.”

I can relate.

This “witch wounding” goes deep, sister.

But here’s the thing––you’re no longer going to be burned at the stake for having a deck of Tarot cards under your desk or an altar in your bedroom.

But maybe you worry your friends will judge you. Your mom will reject you. Your boss will laugh at you.

I used to worry about those things too.

I grew up in a scientific and non-religious and non-spiritual household, and I was afraid of what everyone would think.

I even worried what you, my lovely email subscriber, would think when I started talking about this magic back in 2018.

It took patience, confidence, and a few explanations, but now my friends ask for card readings, and I've even done energy work on my mom, too.

I’m also regularly leading workshops about this kind of magic for companies like Google, Course Hero, and more because leaders recognize that creativity, intuition, and wellbeing at work are all linked.

The truth is, you’re more likely to feel more connected with your community––yes, even at work––than if you didn’t give yourself permission, time, and space, to cultivate a spiritual practice (whatever that looks like for you).

When I led my workshop, “Become Your Own Oracle: The Art of Card Reading” at Google, many participants confessed to each other in the chat that they too love to get into this “woo stuff.” A few of them even decided to form a virtual club to meet and read cards together!

Yep––you read that right.

Tech employees, and successful ones at that, are excited about exploring the intuitive arts and magic too.

And I can tell you that for me personally, I feel much more connected in my relationships, at work, and with myself now that I have an active spiritual practice.

When I feel low or sad… I tune in to my little girl to see how she’s feeling and what she needs in this moment.

When I feel like I want to make things happen… I cast a positive, manifestation spell to bring even more magic and intention to my desires.

When I feel lost or confused… I call on my spirit guides and higher self to give me wisdom, direction, and perspective.

When I feel unregulated and like my routine is off… I do a ritual with the moon and explore the astrology to understand the bigger picture.

…and so much more magic.

All of this magic and how to do it for yourself are taught, explored, and experienced inside my Modern Mystic Mystery School program.

Yep, even though it’s called a “mystery school”––my intention is to take the mystery out of how these practices work and how you can do them on your own.

You’ll get to experience and feel the mystery through a powerful led ceremony experience in our group calls…and then we’ll break down the steps so you can feel confident re-creating and adapting them to your own modern life.

Plus, everything is recorded for you in case life gets in the way :)

This container isn’t like any other class or program I’ve experienced, and I hope that if you’re feeling the call, you’ll join us for this magic.

From now until March 24th, I’m offering a 50% discount, and I just added a discounted payment plan(!) to make this work even more accessible.

If you’re curious but a little hesitant still, join us for Metamorphosis on March 23rd to get a taste for what the ceremony magic can feel like inside the program.

I can’t share enough how much this program lights up my heart and soul, and the women who have gone through it feel that way too.

For example, Elizabeth Lewis, Founder of Detroit Mom, Lansing Moms, and Retreat to Reclaim shared with me:

"I trust myself more and really recognize my intuition and gifts now. I’m able to take a breath, feel through my emotions, and connect to myself and spirit so much deeper after going through Modern Mystic. I especially loved connecting with my Higher Self and want to do that more––it’s the key to my continued growth and expansion!"

Get the key to your continued growth and expansion by joining us inside Modern Mystic:

Yes! I’m ready for more magic in my life >>

with love,

P.S. You no longer need to hide your "woo," choose between magic and logic, or be afraid of exploring your spirituality...I regularly teach magic to companies like Google, Course Hero, and more because leaders recognize that intuition, creativity, and wellbeing are all linked.

You may be surprised what new opportunities, connections, and feelings emerge for you when you give yourself permission to learn how to cultivate a strong spiritual practice.

These spiritual practices do not follow and are not at war with any religion or background. All are welcome, and I can offer scientific explanations for these practices too if your logical mind needs it :)

I have one foot in my modern life and one foot in the spirit world, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Come join me inside Modern Mystic to learn how you can cultivate more aliveness, magic, and connection in your life >>

It's 50% off from now until Friday, March 24th! I've also added a discounted payment plan so it's an easy yes for you if you're feeling called.