When we are young, life is full of magic.
Jan 19, 2023My first day of kindergarten, I got in trouble because my teacher thought I wasn’t following directions. She wanted us to draw a self-portrait, so I drew a horse. :) I’ve always had a deep connection with animals, and that particular day, I felt like a wild mustang running through the hills.
When we are young, life is full of magic. The faeries play with us in the garden, light beings become our imaginary friends, and animals speak to us through our hearts.
But as we age, the magic gets siphoned out of us, replaced by rules, "shoulds," and expectations. Seeds of self-doubt and contraction corrode the trust, wonder, and expansion of childhood.
By the time we emerge into adulthood, we’ve almost forgotten the magic and forge ahead with plans and supposed-tos until we wind up confused and missing the sparkle of life.
I hit that particular rock-bottom burnout 8 years ago while working 14-hour days at a tech startup.
(You may have even heard me talk about this before, but I want to add on another layer to this story today that I haven't shared widely until now.)
I was so focused on contorting my creative self, wild woman, and open heart into the mold of a successful corporate hustler that I didn’t realize how far I’d drifted from my true nature until the Universe hit me with a metaphorical brick.
It took unpacking chronic health issues, navigating the complicated Western medical system, and exploring Eastern healing modalities to bring me back to my spiritual practice. I started practicing yoga because my knees no longer supported my kickboxing workouts and my nervous system was in overdrive.
Over time, the 5 minutes of meditation at the end of yoga class led to a longer, self-guided practice that opened the door to my intuition again.
I went on to complete a yoga teacher certification, and the spirits I had once communicated with in childhood returned in force.
I became a Reiki Master and learned to master my own energy and establish boundaries with others and the spirit world.
I dove into the art of card reading and began making my own intuitive art again. I started channeling, I discovered shamanic-inspired journeying, and finally, I started holding ceremonies in sisterhood.
Remembering the intuitive arts has changed my life.
I've come to realize that the intuitive arts are the greatest form of self-care I can ever practice.
I’ve opened up to a whole new way of being––as a woman, a partner, a friend, a mentor, a business owner, a pet parent, a sister, and a daughter––and even now, I continue to evolve at a rapid rate.
I now show up as all of me––even allowing the “unfinished” parts of me to shine––without fear of or attachment to others’ judgment. I feel more alive, more wild, and freer than I ever have before.
This is the power of welcoming the magic back into my life.
This is why I offer private mentorship, my monthly virtual ceremony Metamorphosis, and my grounded spiritual academy, Modern Mystic Mystery School.
I know you have a great capacity for magic even amidst the mess of modern life, and with the right support and guidance, I know that new magical ways of being can unlock within you, too.
with love,