Bundle with the Card Reading Course for a Discount When You Enroll by Oct 31st! 

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Modern Mystic: Online Mystery School


Experience more magic & joy in your life – no matter how busy it gets

Reclaim My Magic












Modern Mystic:
Online Mystery School 


Experience more magic and joy in your life – no matter how busy it gets

Reclaim My Magic
"Now I accept who I am. I feel my voice has come back." 

 "Before Modern Mystic, I was so lost. I felt like I was failing at everything. And now accept who I am and release everybody's expectations. 

I feel my voice has come back, which makes it possible that I know whatever happens, I'll be okay."

–– Kristi S, Mom & Professional in the tech industry

"Now I accept who I am.
I feel my voice has come back." 

 "Before Modern Mystic, I was so lost. I felt like I was failing at everything. And now accept who I am and release everybody's expectations. I feel my voice has come back, which makes it possible that I know whatever happens, I'll be okay."

–– Kristi S, Mom & Professional in the tech industry

Release stress & reconnect with the real you

Modern life is messy.

And unfortunately, that mess hasn’t left much room for the magic you know you have inside of you.

You’re here because the old way of showing up in your life isn’t enough anymore––it often feels one-dimensional, too linear, and lacking mystery. 

Yet all the while, you have this feeling that the real you, the highest and most embodied version of you, is waiting for you to let her in.

And you want to, oh it would be so delicious if you could, but you’re not sure how to embrace and embody her. 

You want more than mere moments––of play, trust, magic, power, and wonder––threaded between the endless to-dos, other people’s expectations, the stress and anxiety, and your responsibilities. 

You’re here because you’re on a quest to deepen your experience of life––instead of feeling like the days, months, and milestones, blur together.

I see you, dear heart. You have great capacity for magic.

You're in search of magic.

You are powerful. Shine your light, sister!

Maybe you...

...got crystals, sage, cards, and other sacred objects but haven't quite figured out how to tap into their magic––the blog posts you've read have been more overwhelming than helpful.

...started exploring self-care practices and spiritual rituals through a book, app, or podcast here and there, but you’ve felt mystified about how to replicate them on your own. 

...love to flit from moon circle to spiritual retreat to breath work class, soaking it all in. But, you find that once you come home or return to your “normal,” the magic fades away amidst the mountain of unanswered emails, laundry, and to-dos. 

...even worked with a coach or spiritual mentor before, who helped crack you open in the best of ways, leaving you feeling like everything was going to change… but then you lost momentum and watched self-doubt creep in once you were left to integrate on your own.

You’re craving more depth

...and more explicit instruction in how to make the intuitive arts a part of your modern life so you can go from wondering, “what is this magic?” and “when can I get more?” to cultivating it for yourself on repeat.

…but something’s holding you back. 





You're ready for more sage 

& less stress.

You know you have intuitive gifts that are waiting for you to welcome them with open arms, but there’s something stopping you. 

Maybe you’ve hid your intuitive gifts, interests, and experiences for a while, years even. 

You worry what the people in your life will think if you come out of the magical broom closet. 

You worry they probably won’t get what you’re doing. Judge you.

Maybe... you’re even kind of scared of your gifts

You’ve had a moment or even a bunch of moments when something magical happened––you saw a spirit, you manifested something you wanted, you had an intuitive hit––and while it was wonderful, it was damn scary to realize how real all of this magic can be. 

You’re not alone.  


It's time to

come out of the spiritual broom closet















It's time to come out of the spiritual broom closet

It's time to:

Own the magic of your true self.

Fear of the unknown, fear of success, and fear of failure love to keep us small and hide our truth.

But sister, your magic––the wildness within you that’s calling for more––is worth emboldening yourself and owning it in spite of that fear.

Aren’t you tired of dimming your light? 

Aren’t you tired of stashing away the Oracle cards when friends or family come over, changing the podcast when you carpool, or shrugging off your greatest spiritual remembrances?

It’s time to:

Choose yourself over everyone else’s stuff.

It’s time to follow your heart and your intuition––not only your intellect.

It’s time to radically trust that what you’re feeling, seeing, and hearing is real––not just something you made up. 

When you do, you’ll cross the threshold from mess to magic and open a whole new world of wonder.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to do it alone anymore. 

In ancient times, across cultures, folks cultivated their gifts in community––they had access to elders, mentors, and peers who were there with a kind word, a shared experience, or a valuable insight anytime fear or self-doubt appeared. 

These days, we’ve gone into hiding alone––burrowing under corporate jobs, our own businesses, or parenting books and other people’s expectations of how we should be and show up in this life.

When you have the right support and guidance, it’s a lot less scary and a lot less confusing.

Trust that you are loved, supported, and seen. Trust your intuition and make the right choice for you.
Here's a space where you can finally feel safe exploring and sharing your gifts.

There’s a whole new way of being that’s waiting for you. 

When you...

  • Deepen your relationship to your intuition, you make decisions with ease and joy.
  • Listen to your body’s wisdom, you work without stress and play with abandon.
  • Cultivate your spiritual gifts in a supportive sisterhood, so much magic unlocks for you. And together, we once again become wild women.


When we...

  • Approach life as one sacred moment at a time, we source our own happiness.
  • Connect with our inner healer, mystic, or priestess, we have a clear vision of what we truly want. 
  • Hold each other in sisterhood, our successes become easeful, exponential, and experienced...rather than something we brush against before charging after the next thing. 
  • Embrace more magic in our modern lives, we feel more alive, more magnetic, more wild, and more unapologetically us, just as we were born to be.
Open yourself up to a whole new state of being and wonder. The Universe has your back.

Sister, it’s time we did this together.


"I trust myself more and really recognize my intuition and gifts now. I’m able to take a breath, feel through my emotions, and connect to myself and spirit so much deeper after going through Modern Mystic. I especially loved connecting with my Higher Self and want to do that more––it’s the key to my continued growth and expansion!"

–Elizabeth Lewis, Founder of Detroit Mom, Lansing Moms, and Retreat to Reclaim

"I know I'm gifted and sensitive to certain elements and had put that on hold for years... With Emily's help, I feel more connected with my ancestors and spirit guides and see how powerful that connection is. This whole process is messy––all the emotions!––but worth. If I could do this journey with Emily all over again, I would." 

–Shaquana Suggs, Professor, Author, and Digiteer


Modern Mystic:

an 8-Week Online Mystery School

for women-identifying & LGBTQIA+
spiritual seekers & novices alike










Modern Mystic:

an 8-Week Online Mystery School

for women-identifying & LGBTQIA+ spiritual seekers & novices alike










Modern Mystic Mystery School

a sacred sisterhood and grounded spiritual academy to infuse more magic into your modern life

Let's make spiritual practices doable and repeatable––no matter what modern life throws your way.

You'll receive:

  • 8 Pre-Recorded Modules of Bite-Sized Sacred Rituals with Step-by-Step Instructions, so you can cultivate consistent spiritual practices that support you in feeling more at ease, embodied, and joyful amidst the mess of modern life. Includes recorded meditations, step-by-step written instructions for sacred practices, video deep-dives with captions, and more in an easy-to-access online portal for you to go through at your own pace.
  • 8 Weeks of email support to ask any questions that come up for you around your spiritual practice or the content. That's 6 weeks of support during our 6 weekly sessions AND 2 weeks afterwards for self-paced integration. 
  • Bonus: free access to 3 virtual Metamorphosis ceremony replays––a powerful combination of intuitive card reading, breath work and shamanic journeying.

You'll explore:

  • [Module 1] Creating your own sacred spaces and rituals adapted to your modern life so you can create your own joy and feel more magnetic, alive, and free every day
  • [Module 2] Protecting and clearing your energy field from stress,  energetic vampires, negative thoughts, and draining relationships so you can shift your experience of life
  • [Module 3] Deepening your intuition and cultivating radical self-trust so you feel more confident accessing your magic, making decisions, and sharing your gifts
  • [Module 4] Tapping into your Higher Self and healing past lives so you can reconnect to who you truly are and release old patterns that were holding you back 
  • [Module 5] Connecting with your spirit guides, healed ancestors, animals, and angels so you can download insights, access energetic upgrades, and always feel supported
  • [Module 6] Using intuitive tools like Oracle cards, crystals, pendulums, and artsy spells to enhance your understanding of energetics, manifestation, and yourself 
  • [Module 7] Working with the moon cycles and basic astrology so you can understand how you're affected by the stars––and what to do about it
  • [Module 8] Shamanic Journeying with either cacao or honey as medicine to help initiate you into the next level version of yourself and as a modern mystic

Our live ritual sessions:

Replays Provided for All Calls

  • Energy Magic, Module 1 & 2: Monday, May 13th 4-5:30pm Pacific / 7-8:30pm Eastern.  
  • Intuitive Styles, Module 3: Monday, May 20th 4-5:30pm Pacific / 7-8:30pm Eastern.
  • Spirit Guides, Module 4: Monday, May 27th 4-5:30pm Pacific / 7-8:30pm Eastern.
  • Higher Self, Module 5: Monday, June 3rd from 4-5:30pm Pacific / 7-8:30pm Eastern.
  • Spells & Moon Magic, Module 6 & 7: Monday, June 10th 4-5:30pm Pacific / 7-8:30pm Eastern. 
  • Initiation Ceremony, Module 8: Monday, June 17th 4-5:30pm Pacific / 7-8:30pm Eastern. 

 50% off until:

May 7th at 8am Pacific









 Your Energy Exchange:

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$195 / mo $97/mo

6 Monthly Payments


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$195 / mo

6 Monthly Payments


Feel confident with my 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee:

I’m 100% confident in this transformative process and the magic you can create by showing up for yourself in this program, and I want you to feel that way too. 

If you're not experiencing more magic in 14 days and decide Modern Mystic is not the right fit, you can get a full refund. To do so, email me at [email protected] before our third live call (within 14 days of us starting), and I’ll refund your payment. No judgment, sister. 

Video Sneak-Peek


"I will sing Emily's praises to anybody who will listen. Emily helped me remember myself. I would tell anyone who's on the fence to just try to get quiet, listen and go with their intuition on it. But I think that even if they're scared that change isn't going to happen, or it feels like a big investment, just do it. Do something for yourself because it's going to impact everyone around you. And it's worth it."

–– Lara Ho, Mom of Two 

"The structure of the program was really nice because I felt incredibly guided. It was really clear what you were building towards, and then you would get to later lessons and you would understand why Emily structured things in the way that she did––there always were callbacks, and you're kind of constantly building on top of things. I've never had such in-depth level of guidance from anyone else before––self-help book or therapist.

I felt surprised at how naturally some tools really stuck with me and those have been so helpful and created this positive feedback loop for me. Every time one of these tools naturally pops up in my day-to-day life and my new response will happen without me thinking about it, I'll just get so excited. It's had a huge, positive impact on my life.

– Kristi S., Mom & Professional in the tech industry

"Basically, what Emily does is help you love yourself. She helps you focus on the things you’re struggling with that you don’t even think you’re struggling with enough to fix them. Two months ago I would've been super frustrated with myself, and now I'm just not. She’s magic.”

–– Asha Jones, Fraud Analyst in FinTech














This isn't another course. It's an initiation into your

Higher Self

This isn’t another course. It’s an initiation into your

Higher Self.

Open your heart and trust your next-level self.
You are magical. You are unique. If it's aligned, this sacred sisterhood would love to support you in understanding the intuitive arts and reclaiming your magic.

You’re invited...

Whether you're new to all this spiritual stuff, secretly sage your office, or have a stack of Tarot decks on your shelf, this sacred sisterhood is for you. 

Modern Mystic is an 8-week online mystery school for spiritual seekers to explore the intuitive arts in a playful and accessible way, reconnect to their authentic selves, and experience more magic in their everyday life––no matter how busy it gets. 

Guided live over six 90-minute sessions and including 8 modules of pre-recorded step-by-step rituals and resources for you to explore, Modern Mystic offers everything you need to make this magic work for your lifestyle. 

We're unique.

Unlike moon circles, spiritual retreats, and other guided experiences... you may have participated in before, Modern Mystic empowers you to go from wondering how to recapture that magic to guiding yourself through your own rituals and ceremonies that support your highest evolution––whether you have 2 minutes or an hour to practice. 

Unlike other spiritual courses and programs... Modern Mystic swirls together the magic of the intuitive arts with the practicality of habit psychology so you can cultivate magic on your own, on repeat––no matter what life throws your way. 

When we combine these two disciplines, we skip the guesswork and make magic repeatable. 

You are magical. You are unique. If it's aligned, this sacred sisterhood would love to support you in understanding the intuitive arts and reclaiming your magic.
On average, my clients have doubled their energy and felt 1.5 times more confident in making their rituals actually happen.

In essence,

Modern Mystic is a grounded spiritual academy that bridges the gap between the magic you crave and the mess of modern life so you can self-source your joy, feel more present, and become more unapologetically you. 

You are standing at the threshold of a powerful initiation. 

Won’t you dare cross over?


"I would say this is probably one of the best things that I've done for myself. Emily has supported me in fully understanding and implementing a lot of self-care practices, Eastern techniques, and tools I knew existed but struggled to put into practice. Like, I know meditation is good and it's good to cleanse my energy... but I think spending the time to really understand WHY it's beneficial (also from a science perspective) and how I FEEL the impact is what allowed me to actually employ these in my life." 

– Celina Aguilar, Program Manager at Google 

Modern Mystic is for you if...

  • You want more joy and magic in your modern life
  • You're curious about making spiritual and sacred practices bite-sized and accessible
  • You're ready to release stress and feel more like your authentic self
  • You'd love to reconnect with your intuition and harness its power to make aligned decisions in your life
  • You're a spiritual newbie or seasoned mystic (all are welcome!)
  • You're open to explore spirituality with a playful, curious, and open mindset
  • You're a woman, woman-identifying and/or LGBTQIA+ human

In just 8 weeks you can...

  • Feel more present, embodied, and heart-centered with loved ones and yourself
  • Release stress, other people's stuff, and stuck energy in just 2 minutes anytime you need
  • Get support whenever you feel lost by reaching out to your guides, ancestors, or higher self 
  • Make decisions with confidence by accessing your intuition
  • Boost your energy and deepen your self-understanding by crafting positive spells and aligning with the cycles of nature


Experience more: 

Magic On Demand


Magic On Repeat 

 in your busy, modern life.


 If you join us over the next 8 weeks, you’ll journey through the path of the Mystic and:
Play in Sisterhood & the Intuitive Arts 

create your own spiritual rituals that support you in feeling more energized and alive on demand and on repeat

feel so safe, seen, and understood as you open your heart and connect with other aligned women

discover magical tools like spells, Oracle cards, and pendulums to deepen your inner knowing

Develop Radical

…regulate your nervous system and create conscious containers so you feel safe stepping into your magic

…deepen your self-understanding so you know what a f*ck yes and aligned no feel like and what to do with them

…understand your intuitive style, how to work with it, and how to discern between its insight and Fear

Cultivate More Magic in Your Modern Life

open yourself up to the generosity and support of the Universe that’s eager and waiting to meet your needs and desires

…unlock your psychic powers, intuitive gifts, and connection to Mama Gaia in the safety of sisterhood

…connect with your healed ancestors, spirit guides, ascended masters, animal totems, and the moon so you feel more magnetic, embodied, and powerful

Remember & Reclaim Your Power

…merge with your higher self and step into your power as a healer, modern mystic or priestess

…clear and protect your energy from negative thoughts, draining dynamics, energetic vampires, underworld spirits, and entities

…become more unapologetically you in all your glory and radiance as you own your magical badass self 

Step into A State of Wonder

…wonder at your new capacity to magnetize your dreams, make bold moves, find aligned community, and call in expansive opportunities

…wonder at how your new state of being diffuses stressful situations and disarms people who used to misunderstand and trigger you 

…wonder at all the magic and power at your fingertips and how optimistic you are about what you can create next

"I am very impressed with Emily's intuitive hits, process, and wonderful healing energy. Emily was able to combine a scientific and spiritual approach to stress release which left me feeling truly renewed. 

Her magical abilities range from on point card readings to guided meditations channeled from source that leave you feeling seen with a positive sense of where to go next in the evolution of your spirit and mind.

I highly recommended any service that Emily provides as she clearly has talent and gifts in the art of healing."

––LaRue Stewart, School Founder, Science Educator & Shamanic Practitioner

Take swift action. Get more shifts.

Join our sacred sisterhood by midnight October 5th, and you'll also get these bonuses:

Breath it in. Breathe it out. Trust yourself, and you'll awaken your power.

Early Bird Bonus:

2 Free Energetic Tune-Ups

Attend two of my monthly live virtual circles free of charge. These virtual circles are powerful energetic upgrades designed to guide you to a greater state of ease and magnetism through 3 of my favorite practices: a group intuitive card reading, a powerful breath work ritual, and a guided shamanic-inspired journey meditation.

  • October 6th, 5:30-6:30pm Pacific ($44 value)
  • November 10th, 5:30-6:30pm Pacific ($44 value)

Total Bonus Value: $88

Join before 11:59pm Pacific Time on October 5th to receive both of these bonuses. If you join between October 6th and before 11:59pm Pacific Time on October 8th, you'll receive 1 free ticket as a bonus. 

Pay in Full


Save $110


Payment Plan

$407 / mo

3 Monthly Payments


This isn’t another rulebook.

It’s permission to be yourself, finally.

Wonderful things can happen when we embrace Play in our lives again. Give yourself permission to be who you truly are.

My first day of kindergarten...

I got in trouble because my teacher thought I wasn’t following directions. She wanted us to draw a self-portrait, so I drew a horse. I’ve always had a deep connection with animals, and that particular day, I felt like a wild mustang running through the hills.

When we are young, life is full of magic. The faeries play with us in the garden, light beings become our imaginary friends, and animals speak to us through our hearts. 

But as we age, the magic gets siphoned out of us, replaced by rules, shoulds, and expectations. Seeds of self-doubt and contraction corrode the trust, wonder, and expansion of childhood. 

By the time we emerge into adulthood, we’ve almost forgotten the magic and forge ahead with plans and supposed-tos until we wind up confused and missing the sparkle of life. 

You are already free, dear heart. Unleash your magic!

8 years ago, I hit rock-bottom burnout 

...while working 14-hour days at a tech startup.

I was so focused on contorting my creative self and open heart into the mold of a successful corporate hustler that I didn’t realize how far I’d drifted from my true nature until the Universe hit me with a metaphorical brick. 

It took unpacking chronic health issues to bring me back to my spiritual practice. In addition to Western medicine, I explored yoga, acupuncture, and other Eastern healing modalities because my nervous system was in overdrive. 

Over time, the 5 minutes of meditation at the end of yoga class led to a longer, self-guided practice that opened the door to my intuition again.

I went on to complete a yoga teacher certification, and the spirits I had once communicated with in childhood returned in force. I became a Reiki Master and learned to master my own energy and establish boundaries. I dove into the art of card reading, channeling, shamanic-inspired journeying, and finally, I started holding ceremonies. 

You are already free, dear heart. Unleash your magic!

Remembering the intuitive arts changed my life. 

Trust that you are supported. Allow joy to fill your heart and wonder at all the possibilities before you.

And I've come to realize that my spiritual practice is the greatest form of self-care I can ever do. 

I’ve opened up to a whole new way of being––as a woman, partner, friend, mentor, business owner, pet parent, sister, and daughter––and even now, I continue to evolve at a rapid rate.

I now show up as all of me––even allowing the “unfinished” parts of me to shine––without fear of or attachment to others’ judgment. I feel more alive, more wild, and freer than I ever have before.

This is the power of welcoming the magic back into my life. 

This is why I’m opening the doors to Modern Mystic, my online mystery school where science meets spirit. 

I know you have great capacity for magic, and with the support and guidance of me as your mentor and your sisters as your mirrors, I know that new wondrous ways of being can unlock within you too. 

Ready to unlock your magic too?









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$195 / mo $97/mo

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"People around me saw the difference. I feel the difference too, and I feel this whole inner shift because of the way I'm approaching things and the way I'm talking. Because the inner side of me has changed, this whole world around me started to change as well. It’s a huge positive impact on my life and career."

– Rosa Yuan, Manager in the tech industry

"I was stuck, stressed out, not feeling confident, and overwhelmed with the day-to-day. Emily created a safe space that was guilt-free and judgement-free to be really open, vulnerable, and honest. I could talk about things I don't even talk about with my friends."

– Stephanie Perez, Program Specialist in the tech industry

...Feeling commitment anxiety?

Breath it in. Breathe it out. Trust yourself, and you'll awaken your power.

3-Week Trial:

Try the first 3 modules

As a special opportunity for folks who are either traveling or feeling commitment anxiety, sign up to join us for just the first 3 weeks––lives, replays, resources, and group chat included––then decide if you want to continue and purchase the rest of the experience or not. These 3 weeks (Oct 10, 17 & 24) focus on supporting you to reclaim your power:

  • Week 1: Protect your energy from leaks, energetic vampires, entities, thought forms, and draining relationships with the power of sacred containers and ritual spaces
  • Week 2: Clear your energy when you’re feeling low, drained, or stressed so you can guide your experience of life and source your own happiness
  • Week 3: Deepen your intuition, discover what's a real yes and aligned no, and develop radical self-trust so you can reclaim your power

3-Week Trial


Includes 3 sessions, homework, and support from October 10-30.


One exercise. Massive clarity.

I want to give you the gift of playing with this kind of magic so you can make the most aligned choice and move into the next phase of your evolution, whatever that may be. 

Read through the following meditation, then close your eyes and journey on your own. You can also send me an email at [email protected] if you’d like a recorded version––and if you have any questions about the Modern Mystic Mystery School.

Follow this meditation to go from doubt to decision

Welcome your higher self back home to your heart.

Find a comfortable place...

where you can sit or lay down. 

Before you close your eyes, look at 3 specific things in the space around you, naming each in your mind. Now close your eyes. 

Breathe into your belly, pushing it out in front of you. Exhale out your mouth, making a “haaa” sound. 

Repeat these deep belly breaths 3 times, allowing your body to relax deeper into the surface beneath you.

Now imagine you are transported to your favorite place in nature. 

Look around you at the beautiful scenery, noticing how peaceful and happy it makes you feel. Notice what sounds you hear and the temperature of the day.

Begin to walk, allowing your feet to guide you, knowing you are so safe here, so held.

Not Enough Sage in the World for This Shit.

In the distance...

You notice a friendly figure. As you get closer, you see it's your higher self.

As you approach, take her hands in yours. Allow her essence to seep into you, filling you up with golden light. 

You feel more magnetic and empowered than you ever have before. 

And you’re filled with such deep trust that you are guided, loved, and supported. 

With delight, you realize you already know what you need to do to welcome the magic back into your life. 

Place a hand on your heart and breathe into this new, powerful energy. 

Your higher self is you, and together, you will show up more unapologetically you than you ever have before.
Take every moment in this life as a sacred moment, and watch how that supports you by tapping into the present. Know that you know what's right for you. Trust that and take the leap.

Now ask yourself

this magical version of you:

“What will best serve and support my soul? Is joining this sacred sisterhood aligned and in my highest good?” 

Allow your answer to arrive in whatever method feels most intuitive. It may be a word, feeling, sound or image…whatever it is, trust that it is perfect and right for you.

When you’ve received clarity, open your eyes.

If you received a “yes!” or similar...

click below to join us, sister. And let the magic begin.

If you’re still unsure…

and have questions, send me an email at [email protected], and I’d be happy to chat with you.

Step into your next-level self:

Live calls start April 6th. Each call is on Thursday, 5:30-6:45pm Pacific / 8:30-9:45pm Eastern. Replays are included.









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"Emily helped me refocus on understanding my energy and taught me the bite-sized tools to create emotional boundaries throughout the day. I now work with my natural energy, let go of the idea of the 2-hour morning routine, rest when I need to, and write at night. I have so much more energy to sustain me now and can count on it to help me focus on what matters."

– Stephanie Zhong, Brand Strategist and Story Coach











More Play. More Magic. More You.

More Play. More Magic. More You.

Enroll in Modern Mystic, and you'll explore:

Module 1 & 2: Energy Magic

  • Module 1: How to call in the Directions and create conscious containers and ritual spaces to protect your energy from leaks, energetic vampires, entities, thought forms, and draining relationships.
  • Module 2: How to clear and shift your energy using various spiritual tools like sage, salt, sprays, crystals, visualization, and more––so you can choose how you experience life and source your own happiness even when you’re feeling low, drained, or stressed. There's also an optional "pretty sage bundle" craft! 

Module 3: Intuitive Decision-Making

  • Module 3: How to know what's a real "yes" and "no" for you, how to work with your intuitive style (there are 4+) using various techniques, and how to cultivate radical self-trust so you feel more confident accessing your magic, making decisions, and sharing your gifts.

Module 4 & 5: Higher Self and Guides

  • Module 4: How to channel and embody the wisdom of your higher self so you can download insights, upgrade your life, and feel more unapologetically you. Includes guided visualization ceremony.
  • Module 5: How to call in and work with spirit guides, healed ancestors, animals, and angels, and how to ask for signs and manifest gifts so you always feel guided and supported. Included guided, shamanic-inspired journey meditation.

Module 6 & 7: Moon Magic & Spells

  • Module 6: How to deepen your rituals and manifest what you want through intuitive tools like Oracle cards, crystals, pendulums, and spells. Includes manifestation spell art project. 
  • Module 7: How to work with the 8-phase cycle of the moon and basic astrology so you can anticipate seasonal shifts, make work and personal projects go smoother, and better understand how your own energy fluctuates as a result of the changes in the sky.

Module 8: Mystic Initiation

  • Module 8: Connect with either honey or cacao in a guided Shamanic journey to reawaken your inner magic, support your healing, and initiate you as a Modern Mystic

…and embrace your:

  • Inner Healer––the part of you who is calling to drop old patterns, heal past hurts, and who knows that you’re meant for more.
  • Modern Mystic––the part of you who is fully present in all she does and easily shifts between getting things done at work, spending time with her loved ones, invoking her spiritual practices, and cultivating a deeper relationship with herself. 
  • Wild Woman––the version of you who is unafraid to take risks, magnetize all her desires, let her hair fly free, and howl at the moon. 
  • High Priestess––the you who receives divine wisdom and stands in her power while guiding others to rise in theirs.

It’s time. It’s time for you to own your magic and step through the portal to your next evolution. Aren’t you ready to become more deliciously, unapologetically you?

Join the Sacred Sisterhood:









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$195 / mo $97/mo

6 Monthly Payments


Payment Plan

$195 / mo

6 Monthly Payments


Feel confident with my 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee:

I’m 100% confident in this transformative process and the magic you can create by showing up for yourself in this program, and I want you to feel that way too. 

If you're not experiencing more magic in 14 days and decide Modern Mystic is not the right fit, you can get a full refund. To do so, email me at [email protected] before our third live call (within 14 days of us starting), and I’ll refund your payment. No judgment, sister. 

Frequently Asked Questions

"The whole Modern Mystic experience was really powerful for me, and I felt very safe and supported. I really enjoyed the ceremonies, especially calling in the directions, the cacao ceremony, and learning about the energetics of the moon.

If you're considering of doing this for yourself, of investing in yourself, know that it comes back to youyou don't have to earn it, you just deserve to take time for yourself. Take time to build that awareness and invest in yourself––it helps you become the person you want to be."

– Clara Vaknin, User Researcher in the tech industry

"I got the most in all areas of my life from working with Emily––even more than working with my therapist and nutritionist. It was the best investment I could've given myself. So good, that I signed up for more!"

– Caline Raab, Sr. Manager, Learning & Development in the cosmetic industry












Get in Touch


I am not a medical professional, and therefore, I do not diagnose illness, disease, or medical disorders. My counsel and this program's curriculum should never replace the advice of your medical physician or mental health professional. 

I am certified as a: Shamanic Healer in the Earth-based and Celtic traditions, Life Coach, Reiki Master in the Usui Method, yoga and meditation teacher, NLP, EFT, Hypnosis, and T.I.M.E. Techniques Practitioner, and have an interdisciplinary Humanies Masters with a focus in English and Curriculum Design from the University of Chicago. As a result, I offer life, health, spirituality, and wellness suggestions in accordance with my own experiences, intuitive abilities, and training. You are responsible for actions that you do in accordance with or against any advice given by me. Neither Mind Body Dharma, LLC nor Emily Schickli are liable in any way for any issues that may arise before, during or after a coaching program, session, retreat, class, or workshop.


I am committed to offering you, to the best of my ability, tools and practices that you can use to further your personal development and cultivate a greater sense of well-being.

I act in accordance with the Yoga Alliance compliance and integrity statutes at all times, and never seek to cause harm in any way.  

Mind Body Dharma is an anti-racism organization and does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, background, sexual orientation, or gender preferences. So while this program is designed for women and women-identifying folks, all LGBTQIA+ individuals are welcome and encouraged to join. 

Photography by Meghan Smolka

Subject to Website Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and Program Terms & Conditions