
The sacred ceremony where you release stress & return home to yourself.


I'm Ready for Magic















The sacred ceremony that helps you release stress & remember who you are.


I'm Ready for Magic















The sacred ceremony where you release stress and remember who you are.


I'm Ready for Magic
"I got the exact insight I needed to shift my resistance and tune into my true needs."

"Metamorphosis always gives me the exact insight I need to completely shift my resistance to whatever I'm going through and tune in with my true needs. It's a dose of clarity and calm, and I look forward to it immensely!"

Dayana Mayfield, SaaS Copywriter & Content Strategist

Release Stress & Increase Your Capacity to Feel Good

Inhale, inhale, exhale... my palms were tingling, my mouth felt like sand paper, and I was starting to panic.

It was 2018, and I was experiencing my first conscious connected breath practice––the same type I teach in this ceremony. 

And then, it happened. I felt tears flow and my body became weightless––free. I had never felt so peaceful and clear before. 

So often we want to run, flee, or shut down when we feel uncomfortable.

But––by practicing short bursts of intentional stress, we increase our ability to navigate previously activating situations with more ease and grace.

Just like how lifting weights grows our muscles over time by breaking them down, breath practices like this increase our capacity to handle stress.

As a result? We're less reactive and we're able to show up as our best self.

 Most days...

We've got tunnel vision for the to-dos... the ones for work, the ones for our loved ones, and the ones for the necessities (like, what's for dinner...the ultimate question, really). 

And after it all, we wind up face-planting on the couch and wondering, where did all my energy go? Where is the magic? 

Where's the time for big-picture thinking, dreaming, and imagining? Where's that deeper sense of self, calm, and connection?

All too often, tending to our magic––the part of us that sparks creativity, true joy, and deeper connection––winds up dead last on our to-do list... if it makes it at all. 

Ceremony changes that: it creates space to return home to yourself amidst the mess of modern life.  

Ceremony Fast-Tracks Your Way to Your True Self 

Whether you're just dipping your toes into self-work or you've been devouring personal development podcasts, yoga classes, or meditations for a while now...

Ceremony helps you fast-track your transformation and remember who you really are––in just one evening. 

Unlike other self-care and spiritual practices which take time and repetition before you feel a transformation, this ceremony melts away the stress, shoulds, and separation by guiding you into an altered state of consciousness––with your body and breath.

As a result, you can connect with your true self––and make empowered decisions that will have a positive ripple effect on all areas of your life.

Because when we remember who we really are underneath all the conditioning and "shoulds," we are free to make the impact we're meant to in this life. 

"I feel truly renewed and seen with a positive sense of where to go next."

"Emily combined a scientific and spiritual approach to stress release which left me feeling truly renewed. Her magical abilities range from on point card readings to guided meditations channeled from source that leave you feeling seen with a positive sense of where to go next in the evolution of your spirit and mind.I am very impressed with Emily's intuitive hits, process, and wonderful healing energy."

– LaRue Stewart, School Founder, Science Educator & Shamanic Practitioner

Ceremony and the spiritual arts changed my life.

 8 years ago, I hit rock-bottom burnout.

I was working 14-hour days at a tech startup after having pivoted from a career in education and academia.

was so focused on contorting my creative self and empathetic heart into the mold of a successful corporate hustler that I didn’t realize how far I’d drifted from my true nature until the Universe hit me with a metaphorical brick.

10 years of chronic stress-induced illness caught up to me and my mind and body shut down.

It took years of research, trial-and-error, and support from both Eastern and Western practitioners to bring me back to myself. 

 My metamorphosis...

I came out the other side with a massive toolkit of modalities from both science-backed research and spiritual teachings as well as multiple certifications: life coach, shamanic healer, Reiki Master, yoga and meditation teacher, NLP practitioner and more... 

Now, I guide spiritual seekers and busy humans to finally have enough time and energy to show up as their best selves, and one of my favorite ways to do that is through ceremony.

More than anything else, ceremony helped me heal core wounding around my body, relationships, self-worth, witchy-ness, career, and so much more.

That's why I now steward my own ceremony, Metamorphosis, to help you heal and remember your power, too. 

I've taught experiences for:

Your Metamorphosis Awaits...

Your Metamorphosis


 In this ceremony... 

I swirl together 3 of the most transformative practices that have helped me so you too can release stress and remember who you are...

1) Intuitive Card Reading so you can claim a powerful intention and gain insight from your intuition.

2) Conscious Connected Breath (and Movement) so you can transform stress into strength, move stuck energy out of your body, and access an altered state of consciousness where your intuition overrides fear.

3) Shamanic Journey (visualization meditation) so you can reconnect with your best self––the authentic essence that lives in all of us––and receive the insight you need to move forward in your life.

"I feel more connected with my ancestors."

"I know I'm gifted and sensitive to certain elements and had put that on hold for years... With Emily's help, I feel more connected with my ancestors and spirit guides and see how powerful that connection is. This whole process is messy––all the emotions!––but worth it."

– Shaquana Suggs, Professor, Author, and Digiteer









The sacred ceremony for spiritual seekers to rebirth their true self
Reserve My Spot


Metamorphosis is a guided experience that serves as a catalyst for personal transformation––blending scientific understanding with spiritual wisdom to help you release stress and rebirth your true self. 

When you join, you'll: 

  • Gain clarity on how to bring your desires into reality through a powerful intuitive card reading (done as a group)
  • Release stress through a scientifically backed breath pattern (called conscious connected breath) and feel-good movement
  • Receive the insight you need to move forward in your life by accessing your true self via an altered state of consciousness––which you'll reach just through your body and breath
  • Reconnect with your true self in a visualization meditation, called a guided journey, from the earth-based Shamanic tradition
  • Feel lighter, clearer, and freer than before with a renewed sense of who you really are at your core and what matters to you

...all for only $33 per virtual ceremony or $44 for in-person ceremony

3 Ways to Join Us:

Option 1: Live Virtual Ceremony

I host Metamorphosis live on Zoom 4-6 times a year. 

Here are the current scheduled dates: 

  • Monday, February 19th, 3-4pm Pacific / 6-7pm Eastern
  • [Special Free Event] Monday, April 22nd, 4-5pm Pacific / 6-7pm Central / 7-8pm Eastern
  • Stay tuned!

After you purchase a ticket, you'll be directed to a page to select your ceremony date. 

You'll receive a replay recording whether or not you can attend live––emailed out the following week.

Get Tickets Here >>

Join Virtual Ceremony
Option 2: Live In-Person Ceremony

If you're local to the San Francisco Bay Area, you can join us in-person in Redwood City at Peacebank Yoga Studio on these dates: 

  • Saturday, March 30th from 3-5pm Pacific
  • Saturday, June 1st from 3-5pm Pacific
  • Saturday, September 14th from 3-5pm Pacific
  • Saturday, December 7th from 3-5pm Pacific
Get My Ticket
Get In-Person Tickets
 Option 3: On-Demand Virtual Ceremony 

If you'd like to skip the wait and experience this magic now, you can get access to a recording of a powerful ceremony now. I created the intentions so that the magic would transcend time and space. 

You can view the recording as many times as you'd like and access it as long as it exists on the internet. 

Get Access Now >>

Get On-Demand Ceremony
"It's hard to put this magic into words."

"I felt so invigorated, empowered, and confident afterwards. Big decisions that I’ve been considering didn’t seem so taboo."

– Kristi S, professional in the tech industry

"Metamorphosis is the 60-minute highlight of my month. It’s hard to put into words how much I release, relax and rebirth in such a short period of time. Emily’s ability to hold space in this container is nothing short of modern magic. I highly recommend this ceremony.”

– Haley Hoover, The Sparkling Hippie: success coach, intuitive artist, and author 

"This ceremony is such an incredible gift. It blew everything wide open in a much needed way. More than an upgrade, that was an energetic catalyst!"

– Jeanine Cerundolo, coach and founder of Thrive Coaching

"Emily’s Metamorphosis might be the best thing you can do after work. It's magical! We cleared energy, set an intention, discarded what was no longer serving, and invited in something new. It was healing, transformative, and fun!

My energy shifted drastically. I felt calmer and at more peace. And left with clarity around a few aspects of my life.

– Caline Raab, healer & former professional in the cosmetic industry

This Experience Is For You If...

This Experience Is for You If..

  • You're looking to release stress and find your inner peace or calm––we'll be going through powerful, science-backed and spiritual practices to help you with just that!
  • You're interested in understanding yourself on a deeper level––this ceremony isn't just about having a good time (though we do that too). It's a personal growth and spiritual development experience. 
  • You're open to exploring spiritual practices in a guided way––whether you're a lifetime seeker or completely new to this field, I guide attendees through transformative practices in an accessible, science-meets-spirit way.
  • You're ready to finally carve out an hour or so for your self-care––while this is a group experience, virtual ceremonies really feel like an individual, self-care practice. There's no pressure to interact or "perform" in any way. This space is for YOU to connect with you. (In-person ceremonies are much more community-centric as you'll be able to feel everyone else's energy - in a good way!)
  • You're a human––this is an all genders, all backgounds, LGBTIQA+ safe space that is also anti-racist.

Your Metamorphosis Awaits...

"If you're considering of doing this for yourself, of investing in yourself, know that it comes back to you, you don't have to earn it, you just deserve to take time for yourself. Take time to build that awareness and invest in yourself––it helps you become the person you want to be."

– Clara Vaknin, User Researcher in the tech industry

"Work with Emily. She's worth more than every penny you pay her––pure magic!

– Yumi Wilson, professional in the tech industry & photographer

Common Questions:

Join Us:


the sacred ceremony for spiritual seekers to rebirth their true self

$33 virtual / $44 in-person

Join Us:


the 60-min virtual ceremony to re-magic your life 


Sign Me Up

You can reclaim your magic, too. 

"The experience was transcendental! It was my first time, yet it feels like I’ve already done it before because I felt so comfortable and welcomed! I’ve never seen such a safe space with no pressure to interact. I could just be. JUST BE!

– Angelika Bantilan, virtual assistant

"I really enjoyed the session! This was my first time learning this breathing technique. Listening to Emily's voice guided me through my thoughts to relief. I experienced tears while thinking of how much I need to practice being less serious, bring back my sense of humor, and dance more in life. Loved visualizing the 'doors to my heart' as I want my heart alive for many more years!

– Sue Hager, mom of a previous private client

“This ceremony is so powerful! I saw my higher self on the beach drawing a big heart in the sand. She invited me to come down and dip my toe in the water, and she told me that to feel connected and access my heart, I could draw a heart in the air with my finger.”

– Celina A, professional in the tech industry

"Wow. The breathwork was really intense! I felt like a spirit was moving through me (in the best of ways). I had such a clear vision of my higher self and the gift she gave me."

– Clara, mom of two

"What a wonderful experience I went through and didn’t know I needed. I want more. Your energy is fantastic."

– Jakeline V, professional in the tech industry

"I feel much nicer than I did an hour ago, lol! I'm so relaxed now, I might just fall asleep––in the best way." 

– Lisa F, professional in the tech industry